
Showing posts from September, 2021

How to Gather (AKA gathering basics)

Just an FYI, no one speaks for the gathering and there are as many different opinions as there are gatherers. Six years ago, a gatherer did a training for those new to the gathering. This is the video tape of that training called Rainbow Gathering 101 .

Kitchens of Rainbow Blog

One of my friends has a great blog called Kitchens of Rainbow . Screen shot of Kitchens of Rainbow Blog Here's an excerpt from a great post on The Belly Buttons of Rainbow . The purpose of the Kitchens of Rainbow was originally to help very disparate sections of Rainbow get to know a little more about each other, to give voice to the heartsongs of folks rarely asked. Even at Rainbow it can be easy to gravitate only towards the people you vibe with and see those who aren’t like you as “other.” It’s also remarkably easy to assume by looking at someone that we know something about their values, their beliefs, and what’s important to them. And while this may be especially true of the divide between “shanti rainbows” and “dirty kids,” it happens with other demographics as well.