Water is Life

Following Standing Rock, the saying Water is Life or Mni Wiconi in Lakota has become a familiar saying. Most of us know what that means in relationship to the struggle to protect water sources from pipelines, but how many of us really understand what that means in relationship to the gathering? When people scout for a gathering location, they always look for sources of water that can keep our camp alive. Finding water is hard. Finding water that is uphill from where we want to gather is critical as gravity can help transport water to our population centers, kitchens, medical care, etc. Protecting these water sources is important. The water we drink keeps us alive, maintains our health, and can contribute to or prevent the spread of disease among gatherers. The Great Lakes region has lots of surface water, but that is not always the cleanest water for drinking and cooking. Making sure each and everyone has enough clean and safe water to drink is critical to maint...