Howdy Folks (aka directions to the gathering)

Updated information will be available here for the next week or two. Check back frequently. 
Updated June 25 @  6:00 am California time.

50th Anniversary of Annual Rainbow Family Gathering of the Tribes

End of June to July 7, 2022

We, who are brothers & sisters, children of spirit, families of life on earth, friends of nature & of all people, children of humankind calling ourselves the rainbow gathering, humbly invite:
  • All races, peoples, tribes, communes, men, women, children, individuals -- out of love.
  • All nations & national leaders -- out of respect
  • All religions & religious leaders -- out of faith
  • All politicians -- out of charity
to join with us in gathering together for the purpose of expressing our sincere desire that there shall be peace on earth, harmony among all people. & to hold open worship, prayer, chanting or whatever is the want or desire of the people, for three days, but upon the fourth day of July at noon to ask that there be a meditative, contemplative silence wherein we, the invited people of the world may consider & give honor & respect to anyone or anything that has aided in the positive evolution of humankind & nature upon this, our most beloved & beautiful world -- asking blessing upon we people of this world & hope that we people can effectively proceed to evolve, expand, & live in harmony & peace.

Feel free to arrive a few weeks early to create the gathering and/or stay a few weeks late to clean it all up. Please be respectful of the First Nations' land, culture, and spirituality.

RAP 107 Gathering Consciousness

Please protect this Beautiful Land. Walk softly. Harm no living thing. Harmonize - Blend in. Use only down, dead wood. Cut no living trees. Preserve the in the Woods. We are caretakers of this land. Everyone sharing makes a strong Human Tribe!

Please Protect the Water Sources by staying out of DELICATE spring areas. Avoid camping, peeing, washing above spring areas. Keep ALL soap out of streams, springs or the creek (even biodegradable soap)! Use a bucket to take your bath 60 feet away from the water source. To be certain of drinking water: boil it!  Use the slit trenches or covered latrines - cover your paper & waste with ashes or lime, wash hands. Break the fly/illness connection: shit-fly-food-you! Dig no shitters near water areas or kitchens.

Protect our Health! Use your own cup, bowl & spoon! Wash them after eating and rinse in bleach-water. Visit C.A.L.M./M.A.S.H. if you feel ill - especially if you have a contagious disease - or are injured. Camp Together - Establish neighborhoods. Community Fires only! ~ Each with 5 gallon water bucket and shovel for Fire Protection. If you are the last to leave a fire PUT IT OUT! Watch your gear: Be Responsible ~ "Tempt Not Lest Ye Be Lifted From." Pets are discouraged but if you must bring them keep them fed, on a leash and out of the kitchens, springs & fights. Clean up their poop. Love them.


Cleanup begins when you arrive. Bring in only what is necessary. There is no janitor are the cleanup crew. Separate garbage for recycling. Don't litter - find collection point. Compost in pits only. Take your trash out of the gathering and drive at least 100 miles before depositing it in an appropriate trash can. Do not burden the local community with our trash.

You are the Gathering! Participate in Shanti Sena, the peace keepers council, and all activities, councils, work crews, workshops. Volunteer wherever needed: kitchens, welcome home, firewatch, parking lot, shitter digging, supply, front gate, etc. R-E-S-P-E-C-T your siblings’ different energies. Keep the Balance: Earth, Sky, Trees, Water & People!

Alcohol is Discouraged, Guns are Inappropriate, Violence is contrary to the Spirit. Please take no photographs or videos of people without permission. Discourage Drug Abuse.
Buying and selling endangers our legal right to be here. The Magic Hat is our Bank, donate early to fund our Needs. The Magic Hat goes around at mealtime circles and with the Magic Hat Band.

This is a 100% free event. Food is free, medical care is free, parking is free. No admission fee ever!

Site Specific Information

We should be @ approximately 8,500 ft elevation.  Please take it slow and easy your first few days if you live at a significantly lower elevation. 

DRINKING WATER: Bring at least a few gallons of drinking water per person. Save your jugs for reuse and refill.

Lost & Found is at INFO. Many of the major kitchens may hold onto things left there for a bit to see if you come back. Retrace your steps.

It's about a 1.5 mile hike into the gathering depending on your starting and ending point.


The Road from Hayden 

Forest Service closes portion of Routt National Forest near Rainbow Gathering | (

**** The road from Hayden is technically closed until July 1st, but the gates are open. If you come up from Hayden please do not stop, camp, hike or let your dog lose on the road. Just drive through without stopping. ****

Closure order

See the map of the closed areas here


 From points south

From Interstate 70 to exit highway 131.  Follow the directions to Steamboat Springs and then keep going to Craig, Colorado   There will be gas along the way in some of the larger towns.

Take highway 13 north for approximately 36.4 miles. This is a easy driving black top road but there is road construction taking place with up to 20 minute delays and pilot cars. between mile marker 126 and 127 on the highway. 

TIP! Once you leave the payment you will be driving on dirt roads, many of which have private property on each side.  You will drive ~ 37.7 miles on dirt roads. There are cattle on the road, some places where there are steep drop-offs.  I don't recommend you come in after dark.

Turn right on "Moffet 2 County" road -- a dirt road.  The sign is blue.

Turn right on "Moffet 1 County / Slater Creek Road. This road becomes Routt County 82 but I never saw any signs.

At the junction, continue ahead on Routt County 82.  Then drive, drive, drive.  

From points north 

From Interstate 80 between Rock Springs and Rawlins, take highway 789 south to Baggs, Wyoming.   Take Hwy 70 east to Slater. 

Turn right on "Slater Creek Road / Moffet 1 County Road" 

This road becomes Routt County 82 but I never saw any signs.

At the junction, continue ahead on Routt County 82.  Then drive, drive, drive.  

I don't have the exact mileage for any of this from points north. 

No cell service on site, but some people are getting reception if they drive 12 miles back from the gathering. Please let your loved ones know when you hit the dirt road that you'll be out of touch.

Please copy and share this information freely.
Ignore all rumors of cancellation or organization.


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