Consensus, The Rainbow Way

Those who gather talk about consensus a lot. There are a number of different understandings about how consensus takes place within the community of those who participate in Rainbow Gatherings.  In my humble opinion, too many people only involve themselves in the circle/council/counsel process for vision council when we decide were to go.  I think that leaves us as a family lacking in practice for how to discuss and reach things in a positive and loving manner.  

Photo of ancient stone circles

That being said, there are different ways that consensus can happen. In a more formal council/counsel/circle is one way, but truly the number of people who participate in these are a fraction of those who attend gatherings, do the work at gatherings, and believe that gatherings are the practice for a new world order of peace, love, and cooperation.

So how else does consensus happen?

One way is what I call "consensus by foot."  This is when people use their feet to take them where they want to or don't want to be. We saw that happen last year with the Om From Home movement to encourage people to om at home or with small groups of people in their region.

I think this year we are seeing "consensus by foot" play out as well. We have multiple smaller gatherings happening scattered around the country as well as people choosing to "om from home." We saw this in 2020 as well.   This is to minimize the risk of transmitting COVID-19 to our family and is done with much love by so many people.

If you are new to the term "consensus" or any of the popular variations as used by gathering participants, check out these great links.


Council mini manual


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