Lost & Found: People, Pets, Things

Updated 7/15/22 -- Please reach out to me if you lost a phone or a wallet. Every year people, pets and various objects are lost at the gathering or people not at the gathering fear people have been lost. Lost People Every year people go to the gathering and their loved ones worry. Just a reminder, that while some people are getting cell reception, it varies by cell service. Plus, phone run out of batteries, get dropped in the mud, or get lost. If you haven't heard from your friends and/or family since they went into the gathering, odds are they are still down in the gathering and can't call you due to one of the above reasons. Again, on the road where the cars and cops are is the area where problems occur. We strongly recommend that people stay inside the gathering. Going in and out increases a persons risk of a negative experience with law enforcement. Again, people on the land will strongly suggest to your loved one that they stay inside the gathering until it's over...