Combating Abusive Law Enforcement

If you were at the 50th Anniversary of the Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes and you were stopped by law enforcement for any reason, during which you feel the officer(s) involved were abusive, you are encouraged to file an administrative complaint with the agency where the officer is employed. There is no time limit within which to file as long as it is reasonable.
When filing an administrative complaint, focus only on the conduct of the officer(s) involved and report only the facts to the best of your knowledge. Keep in mind, you are filing an administrative complaint against officer conduct and not any charges that may have been brought against you. If you make your complaint about any charges, it will be promptly denied as that is a matter for a judge to decide. Generally, statements made in an administrative complaint are admissible in a court of law. Folks are advised to keep their complaint focused only on the conduct of the officer(s) involved.
United States Forest Service
Click here for information on how to file a complaint with the United States Forest Service.
Grand County, Colorado
Click here to download the complaint form for Grand County, Colorado; then click here to read their policy.
Routt County, Colorado
Click here to download the complaint form for Routt County, Colorado; then click here to read their policy.
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