Town Hall Meeting in Craig, Colorado (Meet and Greet)

On Wednesday, June 22nd from 6 PM until 9 PM Colorado time, there will be a Rainbow Gathering Family Meet & Great; Q&A for the public to have an opportunity to meet gathering participants, ask questions, and learn more about the annual Prayer for World Peace.

We invite all people who want to learn more to attend.

The meeting takes place Moffat County Visitor Center / Chamber of Commerce.

775 Yampa Avenue, Craig CO 81626


  1. In these world's around us. Only intution quides all living things. Weekend not seen and heard. So intution when honored instead of the dead. Will bring all peace to our feet to walk with creation. Eye am mountainous chief of the rainbow family called people that it's root is

  2. These statements can not harm anything. Things and stillness creations don't need humanity's. Permission. Do your infants need. And or before they are confirmed need humanity's permission to live. Only ignorant m
    ando not need truths love they only need. Thought that's knowledge that's good and evil that's nothing toeat

  3. That's why we do not need leadership that is not anarchist


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