Updates from the Land on 6/25/22

 Be prepared for cold nights into the 30s, lot's of mosquitos during the day, and short periods of rain.

The site ranges up to the high 8,000 elevation range. 

Please take it slow your first few days if you aren't used to being at high elevation.

Please drive slowly on dirt roads as there are deer, elk and antelope crossing the roads.

Please keep people and pets out of ponds to protect the boreal toads. Learn more here https://cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/ResearchBorealToad.aspx

Please camp at least 100 feet from creeks, marshy areas and willow stands to protect surface and subsurface waters.

We do have a Goshawk family nesting along a trail. Please look out for the signs and give the mama and her chicks their privacy if you are in the area.

There are a lot of standing dead trees in the area. Please protect your life and do NOT camp near standing dead.   When you are on the trail be aware of your surroundings. We are experiencing high wind events that can topple standing dead trees. Please be extra careful during high winds. 

Fire safety is always a concern, especially in pockets where there are high numbers of dead trees.


  1. Consider gathering as Point Zero for bioweapon release. Perfect scenario.


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